This is an in progress post documenting my research to get to getting this into Home Assistant
Steps That Lead Me Here
- Got new Smart Meter
- Found this post in 2021:
- Forgot about it until I was messing with RTL 433 again
- Remembered my Smart Meter doesn’t use 433 anymore
- Found that same post again
Pro to this is that seems to just be a “simple” Setup
Con can’t run in Home assistant or HASSOS
A PDF outlining some of the SDK of the ITron Riva Gen5 Smart Meter
The signup/configure page for adding your smart meter to your Wifi, and then telling Xcel which devices should be allowed to access it.
A Reddit post, outlining steps do do it all via curl in Home Assistant. I’m copy and pasting the post below since lately stuff on Reddit, disappears.
Finally got connected using a command_line sensor and it’s working like a charm! I don’t have to deal with peak/off-peak hours, but I’m curious what folks here do.
- Xcel installed a new smart meter over the summer
- Go to Xcel’s website and enroll in Launchpad
- Once your meter is connected to your wireless network, you’ll have to add Home Assistant device to launchpad.
- Create the cert and key you’ll use by running
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 1094 -subj '/CN=MeterReaderHanClient' -addext "certificatePolicies = critical," -addext "keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature"
- To get the necessary LFDI (first 40 characters of the SHA256 signature), run the command
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -SHA256 -inform pem -in cert.pem | sed -e 's/://g' -e 's/SHA256 Fingerprint=//g' | cut -c1-40
- In your Home Assistant /config directory, create an /xcel folder
- You’ll need three files, the cert.pem and key.pem you created from step 4, and an openssl.conf file (contents below).
- Either in your configuration.yaml or an included command_line.yaml file (my preference), put the sensors below
- Make sure your paths to openssl.conf, key.pem and cert.pem are accurate.
- Also make sure your IP address is typed correctly
- Restart Home Assistant and they should be valid entities to read. xcel_meter can be added to the Energy Dashboard in Settings -> Dashboard -> Energy -> Add consumption
openssl_conf = openssl_init [openssl_init] ssl_conf = ssl_sect [ssl_sect] system_default = system_default_sect [system_default_sect] Options = UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation
- sensor: unique_id: xcel_meter name: Xcel Meter command: "OPENSSL_CONF=/config/xcel/openssl.conf /usr/bin/curl --ciphers ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM8 --insecure --url --cert /config/xcel/cert.pem --key /config/xcel/key.pem 2>&1 | grep -o '<value>.*</value>' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'" unit_of_measurement: "kWh" value_template: "{{ float(value) | multiply(0.001) | round(3) if is_number(value) }}" device_class: 'energy' state_class: 'total_increasing' scan_interval: 5 #in seconds command_timeout: 5 #in seconds - sensor: unique_id: xcel_meter_load name: Xcel Meter Load command: "OPENSSL_CONF=/config/xcel/openssl.conf /usr/bin/curl --ciphers ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM8 --insecure --url --cert /config/xcel/cert.pem --key /config/xcel/key.pem 2>&1 | grep -o '<value>.*</value>' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+'" value_template: "{{ float(value) if is_number(value_json) }}" unit_of_measurement: "W" device_class: 'power' scan_interval: 5 #in seconds command_timeout: 5 #in seconds
Reddit User: